Your Absolute Guide About The INs & OUTs Of Bulk SMS Aggregator Business

MobiShastra has been successfully operating in the Bulk SMS Aggregator Business and unlike other industry players, we believe in sharing the success story. So, if you are somebody who wants to know from the As to the Zs of being a Bulk SMS aggregator, we recommend you read till the last.

What Is An Aggregator Business?

The aggregator business model is a network model. In this business, a company comprises details about certain service providers, establishes contracts with them, and then offers those services under its own brand. Because the aggregator is a brand, it offers a service of consistent quality and pricing, even when it is provided by a variety of partners.

The service providers are never hired by the aggregator and remain the owners of the product or service they deliver. Aggregators just assist them in marketing in a win-win situation.

Bulk SMS Aggregators At Work

Bulk SMS Aggregator operates as a channel partner of Bulk SMS Gateways or of telecom operators. They aggregate SMSs from these operators. These are then distributed in the markets. 

For SMS routing, an SMS Aggregator employs several SMS Gateway tie-ups and delivers the text messages using various routing methods. SMS Aggregators in India and overseas employ SMPP connections with defined throughput or SMS speed to connect to SMS Gateway services. This is known as TPS (Transactions per second) or TPM (Transactions per minute)

SMS aggregators in India and throughout the world primarily service SMS suppliers that cannot pay the direct tie-up costs with telecom carriers. SMS Vendors gain from cheaper set-up costs and time when they purchase SMS services from such Aggregators. Furthermore, with such a high-level Gateway setup and a big number of SMS commitments, Bulk SMS Aggregators may provide such vendors’ previously negotiated SMS services with multi-operator services.

An SMS Aggregator firm may also serve retail consumers, providing them with the most cost-effective SMS services, competitive SMS routing through SMS Gateways, and improved traffic monitoring capabilities.

Want To Step Into The SMS Aggregator Business?

Being an SMS Aggregator is a difficult task. However, this is a successful company that benefits telecom companies, industrial entrepreneurs, and end consumers. So, if you’ve decided to become an SMS aggregator, you can choose from the following options:

  • Purchase the SMS Gateway program and become its owner.
  • Rent an SMS Gateway software.
  • Be a white-labeled SMS Gateway Software distributor.

So, if you have contacts and can work with multiple telecom firms, you can get started! If you are unable to do so, renting or reselling SMS gateway software is your best alternative. These last alternatives give you ample time to figure out how it works. And after you’ve mastered this trade, you can start your own business.

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